Introducing the Project to Professionals
in the Greek Criminal Justice System

On October 17th 2024, the M4Pris project became once again the focal point of an informative event organized by the Federation of Correctional Officers of Greece. Held at the Municipal Council Hall in Korydallos, this event provided an opportunity to update Greek Criminal Justice System professionals on the progress and upcoming initiatives of the M4Pris project, a European initiative aimed at enhancing the well-being and professional development of prison staff through mentoring and training opportunities.
The event focused on spreading awareness on European initiatives that directly impact/ involve prison staff, with a special emphasis on M4Pris, as a pioneering program promoting well-being within the challenging correctional environment. Through a whole-prison approach, M4Pris addresses the mental health and job satisfaction needs of correctional professionals by providing mentorship opportunities tailored to the unique demands of their work conditions

This informative event in Korydallos emphasized Greece’s growing focus on mental health and professional well-being in correctional settings, an objective in complete alignment with the M4Pris project. As the project progresses, a dedicated pool of prison professionals is expected to participate in this ambitious initiative, expanding its impact across Greece.